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Affordable And Chic Home Decor Ideas You’ll Love

Home decor

Home decor


Having your own space is the first step to personal freedom, and also the perfect excuse to spend some monies and spruce it up with your home decor ideas! It’s like a blank canvas you can add a splash of color to, or keep minimalistic with clean but bold lines to add accent. Home decor is therefore a great way to add personality and character to your home, but if left unchecked it can also leave a big hole in your bank account. Here’s a quick guide to help you keep decorating on a budget, while still pursuing your ideal look.

Getting inspiration

Be it a home makeover or a start-from-scratch project, you can find inspiration for your home decor in many avenues: browse through magazines, go online, or get recommendations from friends! Since we’re talking about affordable home decor here, I’m gonna keep the suggestions as low-cost as possible. Whether you’re looking to update your look completely or just add a touch of luxury to a smaller space, there’s plenty of inspiration available to help you create the perfect home.

To start: Instagram, Pinterest are perfect mobile apps where you can get inspired on the go, and even save photos or videos so you can revisit the references later. NLB also has a whole sleuth of home interior and design magazines you can borrow for home decor ideas, though do keep in mind that the ideas you get here are likely more expensive. However, that shouldn’t stop you from picking out certain home decor items or themes to use – remember, it’s all about brainstorming here!

And of course, your friends or family’s home decor ideas can be more invaluable than going at it on your own, especially if they’ve recently been through the exact process of (re)decorating their homes. Visit their places so you can see and feel the space for yourself, and don’t be shy about asking where they got their home decor items from! Remember to bring a welcome gift – chocolates are always a people-pleaser, or you can play safe and directly ask what they’d like. 

Affordable and chic home decor ideas you’ll love

Making cheap home decor ideas possible starts from the basics: knowing how colors and textures go together. The easier ways include using natural materials such as wood, stone or plants, adding pops of color with accents like throw pillows or rugs, and framed pictures or dried flowers.

Before you go gaga with home decor items, you should therefore consider the following what your theme or color scheme is. Creating a moodboard here will be super helpful in envisioning your space and finding the right home decor. Once you’ve decided, stick to the plan so you’ll be able to coordinate the different elements of your home decor. Also, you would be less likely to purchase multiple furniture or items that might end up mismatching eventually. Creating a budget will also help you keep track of your expenses, so you’re actually going for affordable home decor!

These are some popular, cheap home decor you can start with to give your home a quick uplift:

1. Use natural materials

Natural materials such as wood, stone or plants can help add a rustic touch to your home decor. This will help you save on your utility bills and also look more stylish and elegant than using traditional synthetic materials typically used in home decorating products. Got some old flowers from Mother’s Day or your anniversary? Dry them out over a few days and you got yourself some long-lasting, cheap home decor to brighten your space!

Bonus tip: you can invest in edible plants such as mint, basil, or pandan so you can use them in your cooking while keeping your home looking fresh!

2. DIY furniture

Up for a challenge? Build your own furniture the way you want it to look! The easiest material you can get your hands on is wood, and you can find many types to work with at lumber shops like Chip Seng Timber or Ban Heng Long Trading Co. It’s also a cute, fun activity to do with your roommate or partner – even if it fails, you can look back on this and laugh about it over dinner with friends. One caveat though: you’ll need certain tools like a power drill, lacquer, and sandpaper, so unless you already have these lying around at home it may end up racking more costs if you’re only doing it for the sake of DIY-ing.

2. Accent with accessories 

From elegant curtains and pillows to bright artwork and cozy throws, you can add just the right touch of personality to your space. Try using vases, candles, plants, art, etc., to add character and life to your space. These cheap home accessories can act as accent pieces that tie together all of the other elements of your home decor without being too overwhelming or expensive.

3. Add pops of color

Adding a splash of color using affordable home decor can come in the form of anything: picture frames, curtains, vases, plant pots, or even throw blankets for the couch! You could even paint an accent wall or add wallpaper to brighten up the space. Otherwise, think about adding wall art decor like a large-scale statement art piece, which can add vibrancy and personality if you’re living in a smaller, minimalistic space.

4. Play with texture

Color isn’t the only way to brighten up your home. Affordable home decor can also come in the form of colorfully patterned curtains and bed sheets to help breathe life into your rooms, and you can even change ’em up every few weeks! Other ideas include macrame wall art decor or even macrame plant pot hangers, so your walls can look as good too.

5. Go eclectic with mix-n-match!

Got a ton of old furniture or home decor items you don’t know what to do with? If you’re feeling more daring, experiment with different patterns, textures, and colors to see what looks best in your space. Mix and match pieces from your old home with different stores, or find unique items at thrift shops to add some flair. The idea here is that you create a personalized look no one can really imitate, because you’re actually making the decor up as you go, while keeping decorating on a budget!


Affordable home decor’s the way to go if you’re looking for a quick, easy way to liven up your space, and there are plenty of ideas out there that will work well with your style and budget. Choose the ideas that best fit your needs and personality without blowing a hole in your pocket, and you’ll have a brand new living space with just a little bit of effort and time!

In Addition

Since you’re already giving your home a makeover, why not do a Konmari (declutter) and spring clean while you’re at it? Clear out that corner of junk items you’ve been meaning to the past months, and reduce your wardrobe size to the necessary clothing you love (or think of it as making space for more new clothes!). All these are already huge, daunting tasks that can keep you busy for days, such that the thought of cleaning may be even more exhausting than before. Consider hiring part-time help or housekeeping services like Housekeeping by BUTLER to make this next step quick and easy, while you kick back and recuperate from decluttering.

#HomeDecoration #HomeDecorIdeas #AffordableHomeDecor #CheapHomeDecor

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