BUTLER Magazine

Is your Home Movie-Set Worthy?

When South Korean director Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite shot to worldwide fame last year, it wasn’t just film critics and cinema goers giving it rave reviews.

Architects and interior designers were equally impressed by the film’s well-crafted sets. Home owners worldwide had another ideal to aspire towards.

Want a home that’s worthy of a movie-set? Here’s 5 traits your home should have.


5 traits every home worthy of a movie set should have


Is your Home Movie-Set Worthy?

(image credit: https://www.indesignlive.com/the-ideas/the-parasite-house-isnt-a-house-and-it-damn-well-should-be)


1. Design a home with strong “character”.


All films rely on motifs and symbols to effectively create a persuasive setting that draws audiences in. These elements vary according to the film’s theme, and appear consistently throughout movie sets.

In the World War 2 biopic “Darkest Hour” for example, lush mahogany, polished marble and silver are noticeable elements in the film’s setting. These elements pay homage to traditional British interior design, and the characters, in their 40s British style, are in harmony with the environment.

In Bong Joon-Ho’s “Parasite”, Bong wanted to portray the Parks as avaricious elites. This is highlighted in how the Park’s mansion is filled with status symbols, such as a real painting from South Korean artist Park Seung-mo’s “Maya Series” and a cabinet full of fancy crockeryware.

What this means for home owners like you is that your home should tell a story. Rather than just a blank canvas, a home worthy of a movie – set should be clear visual narrative.

(image credit: https://shuyuq.wordpress.com/2014/05/)


2. Master the use of hues and accents


The use of certain motifs and symbols are important in creating a convincing setting, but it’s colour and patterns that set the mood.

Take a look at Baz Luhrman’s “The Great Gatsby”. The use of light, elegant colours with sophisticated patterns effectively conveys the atmosphere of The Roaring Twenties.

In Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”, the sterile feel of white in some of the film’s intricately designed interiors plays up a curious mix of modern and classic styles. White also exudes a clinical feel, free from any impurities.

(image credit: https://film-grab.com/2017/08/08/the-unbearable-lightness-of-being/)


3.Make use of minimal “props”


Generally speaking, film sets aspire to be convincing by having the least amount of props visible on-screen. It’s not so much an issue over cost or logistics, but that too many props can distract the audience.

In Pierre Guffroy’s “The Unbearable Lightness of being” for example, one of the film’s most memorable scenes only featured three simple props: a bed, a bowler hat and a mirror.

The idea of having the least amount of eye-catching features in your home is both the hallmark of the minimalist movement and filmmakers. Both emphasize the functionality of items that are placed within a space, and both agree that less is better.

(image credit: https://home.by.me/blog/how-i-met-your-mother-apartment-in-3d)


4. Have a good layout planned beforehand


Symbols, colour and props all make up a great film set, but layout precedes everything else.

Layout is important because it not only dictates the spaces that cast members can use, but also provides room for a film crew and bulk equipment.

You can apply the same principles to your home too. Visualise where you want conversations and other activities to take place, measure your spaces and have clear sections for what should go where.

(image credit: http://milksymposium.org/plans-de-conception-de-maison)


5. Lighting, lighting, lighting


It’s scientifically proven that certain lights can influence human emotions and well-being. In films, lighting also plays a huge role in determining the visual appeal.

Lighting techniques in film range across a broad spectrum: natural lighting is best for replicating reality, while high-key lighting and side lighting help set certain moods. Some lighting techniques complement each other to highlight characters or draw the audience’s attention to a particular spot in a setting.

These same principles can also be applied at home. Use lighting to affect emotional responses in various parts of your home – a subtler light for the bedroom, brighter ones in the living room, for example.

Lighting can also be used to focus attention on icons that make your home stand out. If you frequently host parties, lighting can be a subtle means of drawing the crowd to where you want them to be (or not to be).


Live like a star effortlessly


Putting together a home worthy of a movie set isn’t easy. From finding the right furniture and upholstery to cleaning up after, some may even find the whole experience too tiring to be worth it.

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Whether you need help getting the right lights or putting together a theme for your home, BUTLER’s personal concierge service can save you the trouble.

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