BUTLER Magazine

Liven Your Home With An Indoor Garden With These 5 Tips

If being cooped up all day at home is making you grumpy, starting an indoor home garden can help lift the mood.

Indoor gardens are known to have therapeutic effects. Some plant breeds even have anti-pest properties, while others add an excellent dash of flavour to your dishes.

Want to start building your own indoor home garden? Here’s what you need to know.


5 Tips for Starting your Indoor Home Garden


Liven Your Home With An Indoor Garden With These 5 Tips

(image credit: https://www.truerelaxations.com/indoor-home-gardening/)


1. Recreate natural conditions

While it’s easy to assume the all plants thrive in abundant air, sunlight and water, your indoor home garden is likelier to produce the best results if you simulate a natural environment instead.

Many indoor plants originate from tropical regions and actually flourish in dim environments and filtered light. Depending on the  plant species, some plants should not be placed under direct sunlight, while others do best if a screen or filter is applied to reduce incoming light from windows.


(image credit: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/hgen/growing-herbs-indoors.htm)


2. Mist or water from the bottom

As a general rule of thumb, Indoor plants need less water than outdoor ones.

Pouring water directly onto the soil may cause the pot to flood. In other cases, water may also not reach the potted plants’ roots.

Instead, pot your plants in pots that have holes in the boom.  Try standing the plants in a dish, and then fill the dish with water. This ensures that water reaches the roots, and prevents potential flooding.

Alternatively, you can also try misting your plants instead of dowsing them directly with water.


(image credit: https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-prune-houseplants-1902692)


3. Always prune houseplants

Plants in your indoor garden may become unbalanced over time. Without proper pruning, it may be difficult for your plant to find its shape.

More importantly, leaving dead leaves and wilted branches on may increase the risk of your plants succumbing to disease and poor growth.

Make sure to prune your houseplants regularly to keep it at the right size and shape. Doing so also tends to help your plants grow better.


(image credit: https://www.almanac.com/news/gardening-news/make-your-own-potting-soil)


4. Use the right soil mixture

While garden soil might sound like an instinctive choice for an indoor garden, house plants typically do not receive enough oxygen for growth as it is too dense.

Use potting mix instead. Potting mix is a soilless blend that is lighter and more “breathable” compared to regular garden soil.

Regular potting mix consists of a combination of peat moss, pine bark and vermiculite. Other combinations that have been proven to work include coarse sand, coir fibre, perlite and limestone.

Take note, however, that certain species may have specific preferences for certain potting mixes. A general potting mix consisting of peat moss, compost, perlite and lime should suit most house plants, flowers and even vegetables.


5. Plant in properly-sized pots

Last but not least, you can optimise your indoor garden’s growth by using only well-sized pots.

If you wish to keep the size of your indoor plants the same as it already is, you don’t have to change the pot. If you want it to grow bigger, it’s best to use a pot that’s no more than 2.5 to 5 cm larger than what your plant’s currently in.

Avoid using oversized pots or pots that are too deep. Your plant will be unable to receive enough air and may wilt easily.


Start gardening at home conveniently with BUTLER

Growing your indoor home garden can be hard work, but the results are well worth it.

Want to start your inner home garden but don’t have the right tools and equipment yet? BUTLER’s personal concierge can help.

Share what you need for your home garden with us and simply let BUTLER handle the rest.

Together with BUTLER’s partner network, access other exclusive opportunities to spruce up your indoor home garden, or take your gardening skills to the next level.

Get in touch with BUTLER today to find out more.


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