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[Press Release] A look into the future of Home Management

[Press Release] A look into the future of Home Management


29 May, 2017

A look into the future of Home Management

Less time spent on home management, more time for everything else


SINGAPORE (29 March 2017) – Butler In Suits is a home management company that began its operations in September 2016. The startup was founded on the idea of easing the lifestyle of Expats and Millennials through a service that helps them manage their home. 


With 94.4% of the Singaporean population residing in apartments, Butler In Suits hopes to be the solution in getting their customer’s home managed. It is a new alternative to hiring a live in domestic helper that can be costly and disruptive to one’s lifestyle or hiring part time helpers who are mono-tasked in nature or by doing it themselves that can take up to 8 hours per week. 


Butler In Suits help customers manage their home by facilitating and handling processes such as such as mail collection, apartment cleaning, laundries and groceries shopping every week on a monthly subscription.


Butler In Suits has 3 value propositions that makes us attractive to Millennials.

  1. Free up more than 8 hours of home management at 20% the cost of a traditional helper
  2. Trust and Security
  3. Customer Benefits


Poon Da Qian, a 24 year old entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of Butler In Suits found out that Millennials living without helpers on average spent more than 8 hours of their time managing their home every week. Hence engaging with Butler In Suits helps to free up that 8 hours of their time. 


Trust and Security is very important to every customer’s home.

Taking into account the importance of trust and security, Butler In Suits implements a stringent hiring process with thorough background checks for their home managers who are also full-time employee of the startup. The startup goes the extra mile of assuring their customers by adding a $1m insurance coverage for all their customer’s homes during the service.


Customer Benefits

Butler In Suits upcoming platform will be able to enable plug and play of any local products and services through partnership. In other words, Butler In Suits’s customers will be able to get the best product or service ordered through them with their retail pricing or below policy.


“With Butler In Suits managing my home. I am now able to spend time on weekends doing the activities that I’ve missed out previously” says Nicholas, a customer of Butler In Suits.


Butler In Suits offers 3 types of subscription, 1 visit each week at $240/month, 2 visits each week at $440/month, and a 3 visits at $600/month.


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