BUTLER Magazine

Sports activities in Singapore

Now that we are easing into Phase 3, we can sense how everyone is getting hyped up to sweat it out elsewhere other than their rooms. Well, for those who prefer something a little more adventurous, here are six indoor and outdoor sports activities for you to get those muscles pumping again.

As every government official would reiterate — always maintain social distancing and mask up once you are done with your workout.

Outdoor sports

After months of working out at home, what better way to sweat it out than being in the great outdoors.

Pro-tip: Always have your sunscreen on with a spare raincoat or hat, and you’re good to go.

Trail biking

Sports activities in Singapore

Image: Daniel Milchev/Getty Images

Cycling seems to be an ‘in-thing post-lockdown activity. While gearing up in full cycling gear and cruising around the roads and parks gushes out some adrenaline, we figured why not be more adventurous and try trail biking instead. It does seem way more dangerous but, for someone who yearns for the wilderness, this makes up for it too.

Note: Do get your bikes (especially the wheels) serviced before heading out for an adventure. There also might be a chance of getting sand into your eyes, so do put on a pair of shades before setting off.

Kayaking around the mangroves

Image: Tom Werner/Getty Images

Scroll through Instagram or TikTok, and you’d find many people going on kayaking trips through the lakes of Jurong or past the Marina city skyline. For a change, put on your khaki outfits and hop onto a kayak through the mangroves of Seletar Island. Just put yourself in the shoes of a National Geographic host and embrace nature’s wonders.

Note: Take extra precaution by hooking up your phone into a waterproof holder — just in case your kayak capsizes midway through.

Forest Adventure obstacle course

For all you high-element junkies, challenge yourself to Singapore’s only treetop obstacle course. Get your harness on, walk on free-hanging wooden planks, and swing over Bedok reservoir through zip lines. Forest Adventure offers obstacle courses suited for different age groups; the grand course, the junior course and the kids course.

Note: Proper covered shoes must be worn at all times, and it’s recommended that you put on stretchable bottoms.  Also, all participants must attend a compulsory safety briefing before going on the course.

Indoor sports

Singapore’s weather is unpredictable; thus, here’s a few indoor sports activities for when it’s raining cats and dogs or when the sun’s too unforgiving. Opting for indoor sports activities doesn’t make it less challenging so don’t forget to clock it into your workout tracker.

Rock climbing

Image: Ground Up Climbing

It doesn’t matter if you have experience climbing mountains overseas or if you’re just a beginner; rock climbing is a sport for all who are willing to stretch themselves beyond their comfort zone. It sure seems intimidating at first to climb up a wall and descend from at least two storeys high, but it’s certainly safe as you’re always hooked onto a harness.

Apart from counting it as an excellent upper body workout, it certainly helps to loosen your muscles, especially if you have been glued to your office chairs all day.

Note: You can rent climbing shoes and harnesses upon registration, but for hygiene reasons, you should bring along your own pair of socks and a towel to wipe down your sweat.

HiRoller indoor skating

Image: HiRoller Facebook page

Hop into a pair of inline skates and zoom around HiRoller, Singapore’s largest indoor skating rink. Whilst you are clocking some cardio workout around the rink, groove to the 80s era music equipped with disco lights — perhaps a substitute to satisfy that longing feeling of heading to the club.

Note: The space is separated into two zones for beginners and experts. At all times, do also maintain a three-metre distance between yourself and another duo. Helmets, guards and skates are available for rental, but it’s recommended that you bring your own if you have any.

Bounce on the trampoline

Image: Bounce Singapore

Bouncing on trampolines are always pictured to be all about fun. But, it counts as one of the most effective forms of exercise. Despite it being a low-impact workout, it comes with a whole load of health benefits including improving muscle coordination whilst strengthening one’s bones which hence reduces the risk of fractures and, of course, joint pain. Alternatively, trampolining releases all the endorphins, perfect for stress-relieving after a whole day of Zoom calls.

Note: Please do not attempt any activities or stunts within the trampoline park beyond your expertise level.

Featured Image by: Chris Henry/Unsplash

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