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The Challenges and Rewards of Being a Property Manager

Property Insurance Inspector Checking House

Property Insurance Inspector Checking House

Life of a Property Manager by Edmund

A day in the life of a property manager starts first with a hearty breakfast to kickstart the day. We check our phones for any important news or information to always stay on top of the constant updates. With the COVID-19 pandemic restriction still going, most of our work is done remotely, and we do meet ups in virtual offices to prepare us for the day. 

On a regular day, we will have onsite visits requested by the owner to make sure the homes are properly maintained. We would make arrangements to manage two different homes a day. Each home that we manage can take as little as 2 hours, and on some days, a full 8 hours. As every home is unique, the work hours are usually influenced by a number of factors, such as:

Hopping over to the properties is always a treat. Each day progresses differently as we immerse ourselves in the setting. Having to work hand in hand with clients and familiar vendors through the COVID pandemic, I feel, has actually brought all of us closer. My personal interest lies in the added human touch, where we then transform houses into homes. From luxuriously curated marble kitchens to the carefully designed and lush landscaped gardens, we are always involved in the homes in one way or another. 

As we work very closely with our clients, to some, we are more than just property managers, but part of the family. At the end of our onsite visit, we will spend the rest of the day crafting summary invoices, providing research and analysis reports, creating a daily summary report on the task completed and ongoing, and replying to any enquiries. 

Our work as property managers is never fixed and we have to work round the clock to fit our schedule into the client’s or contractor’s timing. There are times when we have to work longer hours for our clients, but it is definitely an interesting experience to have the opportunity to meet and have a look at fancy homes from time to time.

What makes a Property Manager great is the ability to provide quality service and expertise. At Butler, we constantly learn from one another’s expertise, face tough situations in different houses, and remedy them with the right solution. In some senses, we are a product that is constantly evolving to meet the demands of our clients and raise their standard of living.

A Facility Management Perspective by Ng Kang Seng

A day in the life of a property manager at BUTLER is lively and fast-paced. To excel in such an environment, the property manager must always be adaptive, agile, quick-thinking, and a people person who can work well with a diverse range of people daily. Being able to have a good sense of balance is also a key component that is essential. The need to balance the needs and wants of clients, tenants, and contractors

On an average day, I usually start off by making my way down onsite to my client’s property. We would open the gate to allow access for the contractors to begin their work. While supervising their standard of work as well as safety, I will usually go through the text messages, phone calls, or emails, whether from the client or other contractors. It is usually in relation to requests for maintenance or repair, scheduling or rescheduling of work, and arranging of quotes. Some days, however, are set aside to prepare invoices to clients and settle bills for our vendors.

The amount of time spent at that office or onsite at the client’s home varies from day to day, but most often I will find myself onsite or out and about on the road. In a day, I usually bounce around 2 different properties, spending around 4 hours each and having my lunch break in between. Being a property manager is not a desk-bound job as you are constantly on the go. Personally, it is perfect for me as I am a very active person and I dislike having to sit in an office for hours every day.

As mentioned before, being adaptive and flexible is imperative to this job. The reason is that the situation is ever changing, and you must be adaptive as it is crucial to react accordingly. For example, due to bad weather, a particular task could not be carried out at that time, thus causing a delay and affecting the schedule that was planned out for that day and week. It is important to remain composed and plan the next best course of action with the least amount of interference. 

In other situations, it is good to be proactive and pre-plan beforehand, so you are ready and able to anticipate such challenges. This, however, requires some time and experience on the job. Being a strong negotiator and mediator does have its benefits in this line of work as well, as it will always come in handy when dealing with the demands of many different people.

Overall, the role of a property manager does come with its own set of challenges, and navigating through certain situations can be quite tricky sometimes. However, it is the people that you work with and the appreciation from our clients when the condition of their home is presented perfectly for their arrival that makes it such a fulfilling and enjoyable job.

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