What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Housekeeping’?

Is it the cleaning services provided in hotels?

The cleaning staff working in large corporations?

Or the full-time domestic helpers that many families employ?

In Singapore, our understanding of ‘house cleaning services’ tends to be limited to these choices: ‘housekeeping’ is either a professional service for businesses, or a live-in full-time helper at home.

What about everyone else: the ones who just need a little more help, but without incurring the cost of an extra person living in their home?

It wouldn’t be right to ask them to just live with the inevitable mess during the week before a part-time helper comes in during the weekend. This is the community that would benefit from a solution we call ‘Daily Housekeeping Services’.

What is a Daily Housekeeping Service

Think about how service apartments are cleaned: Someone comes into the house every day to ensure that dishes are washed, basic house cleaning is done, but they don’t live in the house with you. However, if you require other services, you can still call them to help out.

This ‘management of a house and all the home affairs’ constitutes what we mean here by housekeeping, and a daily housekeeping service would provide services that keep your home in a permanent state of overall cleanliness.

How Daily Housekeeping Works

Here’s our short guide to the ins-and-outs of a ‘permanent state of overall cleanliness’:

  1. There’s a list of cleaning services (see below for Butler’s list) that are covered under ‘Daily Housekeeping’
  2. The housekeeper follows a schedule and cleaning routine that is set by you
  3. The housekeeper will carry out these cleaning services during the work week, without the need for you to be present
  4. Your home will always be clean enough to entertain guests
  5. If you go overseas, your house will remain dust-free and functional when you get home

Why You Should Get a Daily Housekeeping Service

There are millions of little spots in your home that are dirtier than you. For example, your kitchen sink is supposed to be cleaned every single day!

Yes, every day. After washing your dishes, you’re supposed to clean out the gunk and grime that’s stuck to sides and bottom of the sink basin. This prevents bacteria from growing in the damp and humid environment that is the Singapore weather.

Dish towels, too, are another thing that you should be washing every few days (or every day, if you cook often or have a large family). Per a 2015 USDA-funded study, they were the most contaminated spot in the room.

However, nobody has the time to clean all these spots every single day, without fail. If we did that, we would never have time to work or sleep.

That’s where your professionally-trained housekeeper comes in.

Every morning, leave the house at your usual time, and your daily housekeeping service will swoop in to dust, clean, and wash up after your meal. You won’t have to fret all day about the dirty dishes stinking up the sink.

And that’s not all your housekeeper can do. Plants are a popular addition to homes, but they require regular attention to thrive.

Add ‘watering your plants’ to your customised routine and your housekeeper will remember it, even if you don’t. Say goodbye to frantic watering sessions in the middle of the night.

If you’re looking to hold a last-minute gathering at your house, don’t worry about rushing home to pre-clean the house: your housekeeper will be the secret weapon that’ll allow your home to maintain a hotel-level of cleanliness during the work week.

These are but some of the many benefits of using a daily housekeeping service. There’s also the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you won’t have to do 10 hours of cleaning during the weekend, as well as the saved costs of hiring a full-time/part-time helper. With a company managing your housekeeping, you can be assured that a professional will always be there every day to handle all your daily cleaning needs.


Singapore’s First Daily Housekeeping Service

There are a few ways to evaluate a daily housekeeping service. Firstly, always look at the training provided to its employees. Here at Butler, our professionally-trained (with over 200 hours of training!) housekeepers are our pride and joy.

Butler’s Daily Housekeeping Service is our signature solution, and the first in Singapore to provide this level of professionalism when it comes to cleaning the home. We understand that the home is a sanctuary, and we are lucky to be allowed access to help maintain it. Butler takes this extremely seriously, and we aim to help our customers ‘free up time, and return home happy’ – our slogan!

A few details on how Butler manages your daily housekeeping needs:

  • Our customer success manager will discuss your pain points with you, and then provide a personalised list of services that the housekeeper will follow
  • For ad-hoc services (event cleaning, air-con maintenance, concierge services, etc) or new updates to your routine, you can use our proprietary app (available on iPhone and Android), or just call your customer success manager, who will manage it for you

In the end, the benefits of a daily housekeeping service include both the tangible and the emotional layers.

“The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.” – Marie Kondo

Yes, there’s the visibly cleaner home and the reduction in mess and dirt that leads to more free time for other activities, but there’s also the freeing of the mind, and the ability to close some of the many tabs that take up our busy headspace every day.

Just listen to what our happy customer says below:

“Picking up my mail daily; this is something that is very important to me. And also watering the plants twice a week. Butler took care of my daily struggle here; I don’t have to worry about it any longer. “ – Virginia


CTA: Find out more with BUTLER today and see how our services can benefit your home!